
Upgrading one of Australia’s largest irrigation systems

The Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District is the largest irrigation system in Victoria, Australia. The Goulburn Murray Water (GMW) Connections Project, considered one of the largest irrigation modernisation projects in Australian history, was led by GMW and the Victorian Government. Taking more than a decade to complete, the Connections Project has saved an impressive 433 gigalitres of water, with savings shared between irrigators, the Commonwealth and Melbourne retail water corporations.

GHD’s role began in 2015, when we prepared a mid-term review for the Commonwealth Government which ultimately resulted in a full project reset. From 2017 to 2020, GHD was the lead designer for John Holland in completing the final phase of this iconic AUD2 billion modernisation project.

GHD provided detailed design services leading to construction by John Holland. Drawing on a team spanning across Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, we carried out a robust design process which assisted in the achievement of water savings including:


billing meter outlet designs

7 pump stations

with flowrates up to approximately 50 ML/d

145 km

of pumped and gravity irrigation pipeline

57 km

of channel lining works


farm reconfiguration designs

Our role in the project was focused on system inefficiencies, recovering water through channel automation and remediation, upgraded meters and the realignment of a historical layout of irrigation channels. We supported meaningful engagement with stakeholders throughout – including local farmers – alongside facilitating early collaboration with the contractor and client. This engagement enabled us to document, identify and progress solutions for more than 380 micro-projects within the scope of the program.

This sheer volume of micro-projects required delivering a large volume of work in a short period of time, which we are proud to have delivered on time and on budget, the Connections Project has created water savings for environmental use and improved waterway health. As a result of this work, Traditional Owner groups also have received a water entitlement for the first time. Moving forward, the project will continue to support a more sustainable and equitable future for both agriculture and stakeholders.

GHD continues to provide ongoing technical services to GMW as part of the next phase of modernisation associated with the AUD177.5 million Commonwealth-funded Water Efficiency Project.