GHD shows resilience and stability in a challenging climate
GHD has achieved strong performance over the last year, with solid revenue figures and continued, market-leading excellence in both client satisfaction and health and safety.
Our gross revenue for 2020-21 was AUD 2.19 billion, demonstrating the strength and resilience of our diversified business as we responded to the impacts of COVID 19 in each community.
We are also extremely proud of our impressive client satisfaction scores and we have also continued to beat our health and safety targets, recording just 0.06 incidents per 200,000 hours worked (against a target of 0.2).
GHD continues to help our clients decarbonize their energy usage and increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change. We are proud of our pathway to achieve a net positive impact and achieve carbon neutrality by 2025.
As we increase our impact around the world, we have grown our geographical reach this year, establishing a presence in Singapore to support our clients in South-East Asia, and delivering a vast range of projects in the Pacific region.
We are thankful for the ongoing commitment of our people and the support of our clients during these difficult times. Together, we continue to make a difference to lives and communities around the world.
Gross Revenue AUD million, %
GHD Financial Year 2020 / 2021
Year ended 30 June 2021
Gross Revenue Market Sectors
GHD Financial Year 2020 / 2021
Year ended 30th June 2021