
Revenue (AUD)

Revenue for GDH 2016

People 1

Revenue for GDH 2016
1. GHD operates across four geographic regions: (1) Australia,
(2) Asia Pacific, (3) Middle East & UK, and (4) North America


Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) Global

Positive Interactions - Global

Client satisfaction ratings4

Overall performance

Team accessibility & responsiveness


2. Source ISN Contractor Performance Data 2015 (Environment Consulting Services 3.5). 3. Source ISN Contractor Performance Data 2015 (Engineering Services 2.35) 4. GHD’s client satisfaction ratings are produced from our FY16 client eSurvey results in response to our clients’ satisfaction towards GHD on project deliverables including overall performance, team accessibility & responsiveness, and timeliness. For every eSurvey completed by our clients, GHD donates AUD10 to UNICEF.
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