GHD in the Community

Making a difference to US and Canadian communities
Our people supported an increasing number of causes: Habitat for Humanity, American Heart Association, Take Your Kids to Work/Earth Day event, Sick Kids Hospital, MS Society, Siena/Francis House, CANstruction, Movember, Pierre Lavoie Challenge, Heart & Stroke Foundation, Vision Research, Never Alone Foundation, Volunteers for Youth Justice, Women’s Crisis Services, Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services, and more.

Partnering with EWB
As part of our flagship partnership with Engineers Without Borders (EWB), our people are involved in numerous programs to assist communities in Australia, USA, Canada, Asia & Africa. This includes a range of study tours and technical mentoring of volunteers, and a development program in The Gambia, West Africa. In Australia, we support the Yorta Yorta Indigenous community and have begun helping the Olkola Aboriginal Corporation develop a tourism enterprise.

Supporting disaster relief
In the USA, we supported the victims of the Valley Fire in Northern California. In Australia, we partnered with Sydney Water to donate more than 300 bales of hay to drought-stricken farmers. And, as part of our partnership with RedR Australia, our people were deployed to Nepal following the earthquake and Vanuatu to assist with drought relief, and helped the WHO respond to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Assisting Indigenous people
GHD is continuing to make a difference to Indigenous communities. Our 10- year partnership with CareerTrackers in Australia is providing professional internships for Indigenous university students (45 to date). We also participated in NAIDOC week activities and collected hampers for young people in the Koori Court Program. In Western Australia, we support Year 12 Aboriginal students through the Clontarf Foundation.

Fundraising for Multiple Sclerosis in Canada
For the seventh year in a row, a team of GHD people in Canada have completed a 150 km (93 miles) roundtrip bike ride from Grand Bend to London in Ontario in support of the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society of Canada. Our team raised more than CAD36,000 to help improve the lives of people living with MS. This is the second largest MS event in the country.

Dragon boating for charity in the UK
The rouGHDiamonds, a team of GHD rowers, participated in the London Construction Industry Dragon Boat Challenge. They came first in the 2016 event and made a significant contribution to CRASH, a charity that assists homeless and hospice not-for-profits with construction related projects. This is the fourth year we’ve been involved.
This is a small sample of our people's community contributions.
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