
Christchurch Coastal Hazard Review, New Zealand
In 2015, the Christchurch City Council released a report on coastal hazards that identified areas of future coastal erosion and inundation for Christchurch and Banks Peninsula – taking into account the potential impact of sea-level rise over the next 50 and 100 years. Following an initial peer review and community concerns, GHD was engaged to manage a second peer review of the report.

Anaerobic Digestion Facility, Canada
We are helping develop one of the largest food waste anaerobic digestion facilities in North America for the Regional Municipality of Peel in Ontario, Canada. The facility will process 120,000 tonnes (132,000 tons) of residential food waste bringing the Region one step closer to achieving its 75% waste diversion target. GHD is supporting the planning, procurement, design and construction.

Major Annual Criteria Pollutant & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting, USA
We have completed a major annual criteria pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions reporting effort for several oil and gas clients in accordance with state and federal EPA requirements. The inventory projects covered over 4000 exploration and production sites, 79 major gas processing plants, and 71 large compressor stations in Texas and New Mexico.

Biodiversity Offsets and Biobanking, Australia
The recent construction of 6 km (3.7 miles) of new and upgraded track within Sydney’s rail corridor between Epping and Thornleigh stations is being offset with biodiversity credits. GHD completed the biobanking assessment which has resulted in placing the Sophia Doyle and William Joyce Reserve under a biobanking agreement. Income generated will allow rehabilitation and management of other natural areas.